Overcoming Racism & Sexism in Progressive Media

In a society, economy, and polity like the USA, deeply rooted in white supremacy, settler colonialism, land theft, genocide, patriarchy and exploitation, oppressive relationships persist even within progressive institutions and media organizations.

Anti-Blackness and other forms of oppression and hierarchy manifest themselves, even among people who profess to be anti-racist and egalitarian. Freedom is a constant struggle. At a number of Pacifica stations, resistance to language justice and self-determined programming from communities of color, as well as from poor and working people or rank and file labor activists, have been manifested in purging of programs or dismissal of managers.

The current attacks on and retreats from “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” and on “Affirmative Action,” from the White House and Supreme Court, are reflected in corporate media and non-commercial, non-profit media as well. Pacifica Fightback is committed to conscious anti-racist and anti-colonial solidarity, to language justice, and to enabling communities to communicate with each other and express and meet their own needs.

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