Victory for Democracy

The listener sponsor and workers of Pacifica won a signal victory on March 19 when they voted overwhelming to uphold the existing democratic governance of Pacifica, and the express commitment to peace, justice and diversity they contain. We also carried the day against the forces trying to divide and conquer, turn one station against another, and carve up Pacifica.

That victory was accomplished by the overwhelming rejection of the fear-mongering campaign by the so-called Pacifica Restructuring Project for their proposed replacement Bylaws that would’ve made it easier to sell a signal or other assets, eliminated elected Local Station Boards, installed a self-perpetuating majority on the national Board, and barred Pacifica workers from a role in governance.

Archived here are the endorsements, arguments and resources provided in favor of a NO vote to defend democracy, accountability and transparency at Pacifica and its five broadcast radio stations, KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, WBAI and WPFW.

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