Click here for the current list of endorsers of a NO vote on the New Day Bylaws, a clever, slick retread of the PRP proposals.
List in Formation; email to join. Affiliations are given for identification purposes only.
Mumia Abu-Jamal, imprisoned journalist, author and long-distance revolutionary

Medea Benjamin, peace and women’s rights activist
Danny Glover, actor and human rights activist
Cindy Sheehan, peace activist, 2012 Presidential Candidate
Gerald Horne, prolific historian, frequent contributor on Pacifica public affairs shows
Matt Sedillo, internationally-renowned slam poetry champion and Chicano class struggle activist
ACT UP/NY – AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power/NY
Jackie Goldberg, LAUSD School Board member, former legislator and Free Speech Movement activist
Daniel Haiphong, co-author, American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News, and columnist, Black Agenda Report
Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone, producers of Taking Aim
Michael Parenti, anti-imperialist author and commentator
Jim Lafferty, former ED, National Lawyers Guild LA chapter, KPFK programmer, former KPFK LSB member, former interim GM, KPFK
Jeanette Charles, KPFK LSB staff delegate, Latin America solidarity activist and programmer/producer
Matef Harmachis, contributor on prison and political prisoner issues to Freedom Now, KPFK
Diane Fujino, noted historian and biographer, UC Santa Barbara professor
Joan Sekler, founder, LA Alternative Media Network, progressive filmmaker, producer/director at Alternavision
Ayanna Gregory & Yohance Maqubela, (daughter and son of Dick Gregory)
Interfaith Communities United for Justice & Peace, Los Angeles
CodePINK, feminist peace movement organization
Milton Allimadi, WBAI, Black Star News
Bonnie Faulkner, producer, Guns & Butter
Charlie Fisher, KPFA Listener member, professor emeritus Brandeis University, author and political activist
Marilyn Langlois, Vice-Chair, KPFA Local Station Board, co-founder, Richmond Progressive Alliance
Mary Ratcliff, publisher, SF Bay View, national Black liberation newspaper
Sharonne Salaam, Mother of one of the Central Park 5, Member, Justice 4 the Wrongfully Incarcerated
Abby Martin, Journalist, producer, “An Ocean of Lies” & “The Empire Files“
Fernando Velazquez, Producer & host, Informativo Pacifica, former KPFK News Director, former KPFK LSB member
The Lynne Stewart Organization
The New Abolitionist Movement
Dr. Suzanne Ross, International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Sara Flounders, International Action Center
Sherna Gluck, Former producer, with the South West Asia-North Africa collective, of Radio Intifada, Former member, KPFK LSB
Dr. Thomas Halle, KPFK volunteer and listener-subscriber for more than forty years.
Sue Cohen Johnson, KPFK volunteer, former KPFK membership director
Tracy Rosenberg, editor, Pacifica in Exile blog, former KPFA LSB and PNB member, ED of Media Alliance
Carol Wells, founder and director, Center for the Study of Political Graphics
Alison Weir, founder of If Americans Knew, journalist and author
Rodrigo Argueta, KPFK producer/programmer, former LSB and staff PNB member
Verna Avery-Brown, WPFW, Jazz and Justice, former deputy ED of Pacifica Foundation
Lawrence Reyes, KPFK LSB member, PNB director, former iED of Pacifica, SEIU 721 Latino Caucus, Puerto Rican Alliance
Mimi Rosenberg, producer and co-host, Building Bridges
Steve Zeltzer, producer and host, Work Week radio, former KPFA LSB member
Michael Novick, KPFK LSB member, former LSB chair and treasurer, Board member, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace, Change Links community calendar & progressive news.
Janet Kobren, former KPFA LSB member, former PNB director, former Pacifica Secretary
Anti-Racist Action-L.A./People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART)
Bernie Eisenberg, Veterans for Peace, involved in drafting democratic Bylaws
Carole Seligman, Editor, Socialist Viewpoint magazine