PFB Town Hall & Candidate Forum: Free All Political Prisoners

Saturday September 21, 3:00 pm PT/ 5pm CT/ 6pm ET

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“The Role of Pacifica in the Life & Death Race to FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS!”

Is the US government creating a NEW generation of political prisoners as it goes after racial, environmental and anti-war activists in a vain attempt to stop the tide of justice?  Meet the amazing people who are picking up the torch and fighting back!.  LEARN about the dynamic new alliance to FREE LEONARD PELTIER and MUMIA ABU JAMAL, internationally recognized US political prisoners.  JOIN UP with other Pacifica listeners, staff, and  Candidates for your Local Station Board to do something about it!


Jenipher Jones, Leonard Peltier’s lead attorney, also serves on a legal advisory panel for the Uhuru 3.

Mike Africa Jr., author,  On a Move: Philadelphia’s Notorious Bombing and a Native Son’s Lifelong Battle for Justice

Special Invited Guest:  KPFA Background Briefing host Ian Masters, who hasn’t replied to our invitation to a debate.  (He maintains and has argued on KPFK airwaves that Mumia Abu-Jamal is GUILTY  and that Mumia’s supporters are “DUPES!”)

Part 2: Open Candidate Forum for all Delegate candidates from all stations. Time allotted for each will depend on how many come on the call. — All candidates are invited to speak.  Q&A to follow.

Register in advance for this FREE meeting. CLICK HERE:

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