All ballots must be received by 11:59pm ET (10:59pm CT, 8:59pm PT) Thurs., Mar. 19, 2020.
Where’s My Ballot:
· Search for an email from “vote@SimplyVoting.com” or “nes@pacifica.org”
· Look for a postcard sent late February: One side is black with the stations’ logos; the other has instructions and your personal scratch-off voting code
· Go to elections.pacifica.org and fill-out the ballot request form. Only e-ballots are available now.If you are making the request on behalf of someone without email, state that in the last box on the form, and provide the person’s telephone number. Please act quickly. This is a multi-step process and e-ballot issuance ends by 4 pm Eastern (1 PM Pacific) on Thurs., Mar. 19.
Why vote “NO” on the Proposed Bylaws Referendum? Because they would, if approved:
· Cut in half the percentage of the membership needed to sell a station
· Immediately elect a new National Board comprised of 6 handpicked at-large Directors who have said absolutely nothing about what they intend to do
· Eliminate elected Local Station Boards (which currently approve budgets, select the candidate pool for GM & PD positions, and evaluate them annually)
· Ban Pacifica workers from the new National Board
· Eliminate representation from our 200 Affiliates
· Multiply the cash cost of voting membership by 2 and the volunteer work requirement by 5, while also ending any possibility of individually-assessed hardship waivers
· Specifically eliminate the commitment to diversity by striking this language from the Bylaws: “The Foundation is committed to diversity and inclusion of all nations, races, ethnicities, creeds, colors, classes, genders, sexual orientations, ages and people with disabilities in its programming, staff, management, committees and governance.”
- The new Bylaws also strike this commitment, currently in Article 1 of the Bylaws: ” The Foundation is committed to peace and social justice, and seeks to involve in its governance and operations individuals committed to these principles. “
That’s why we say this is an existential question for Pacifica

Who Votes:
· All Unpaid staff – hosts, producers, engineers, maintenance, etc. – that worked an average of 10 hours per month (including prep time) from Oct. 3, 2019 to Jan. 2, 2020
· All non-management staff on payroll by Jan. 2, 2020
· Listeners who volunteered 3 hours or donated $25 btw. Jan. 3, 2019 and Jan. 2, 2020 (Households that jointly contributed $50 or more may request a second ballot.)
How to Vote:
· If you got the Black postcard with the logos of the 5 stations, turn it over for instructions and your private voting info. Go to the voting website, enter your Elector ID and password, and Vote “NO”. You can print / screenshot your receipt.
· If you have your paper ballot and think it’s too late to send it back via the post office, use the Elector ID and password to vote online.
· If you received an email from Vote@SimplyVote.comor NES@pacifica.org, it contains your voting information and a link to your ballot.
Election Closes:
· All ballots must be received by 11:59pm ET (10:59pm CT, 8:59pm PT) Thurs., Mar. 19, 2020. Please do not cut it close. And please protect Pacifica by voting “No”.
I waited for my ballot …I asked for it but they never sent me a ballot.
Let us know what station you are with. The election is obviously over, but we should try to correct all irregularities if we can, and get accurate lists at all stations of the current membership
It would be cool if you can make a video about this on YouTube…
I vote ‘NO”