July 7 to Vote “NO!” on Bylaws Revision July 14 to complete nomination paperwork to run for LSB — if New Day Bylaws are defeated! FAQ for 2021 PACIFICA BYLAW REFERENDUM Our Community Radio Network (Updated 7/3/2021) WHO VOTES IN THE REFERENDUM:• Unpaid Staff who worked at least 30 hours, including prep time, from Jan. […]

Pre-Juneteenth Virtual Town Hall

Was held Friday, June 18, 4:30 PDT ( 7:30 Eastern, 6:30 Central) Pacifica Fightback pre-Juneteenth Virtual National Town Hall on the purges at KPFT of BIPOC programmers, and the need for a NO vote on the New Day Bylaws and for a vigorous campaign for the Local Station Boards. Register in advance for this meeting […]