Ralph Poynter’s “What’s Happening” interview with Janet Kobren 02/25/20

Janet Kobren, former Local Station Board member of KPFA, Pacifica Radio in Berkeley, and former member of the Pacifica National Board spoke on Ralph Poynter’s “What’s Happening” about the sordid history behind the “Pacifica Restructuring Project” that is advocating for the current Bylaws reform, and explains who the main characters are in this “Healthy Station […]

Uncertain? Vote NO!

The first two weeks of the voting period on the replacement Bylaws have passed. Scarcely two weeks remain. The future of Pacifica hangs in the balance. Abstaining on the ballot, or simply declining to vote at all, is therefore not a good choice. If you are unsure or confused, a “NO” vote is the safe […]