Vote ‘NO’ on the Bylaws Amendments
Those who would steal our stations are pushing a Bylaws “revision” that under the guise of streamlining and professionalizing Pacifica, would: |
Make it easier to sell off our station signals, buildings, the Pacifica Radio Archives or other assets Eliminate elected Local Station Boards and create a new national board dominated by outsiders Make it harder for you to become a member of Pacifica Endanger free speech and local community-based programs that meet local needs They are hostile to democratic governance because they want to control the political and cultural content that we can hear on our airwaves. |

The people pushing this proposal support or include those who showed up at WBAI with armed guards, illegally fired the staff and replaced local shows with canned, centralized programming–until they were stopped by a NY judge. But under their new bylaws, they could do it to any station!
Prevent paid or unpaid workers at our stations from having a say Take power away from the listeners and staff who have built and sustained Pacifica |

Photo: Bill Moore (Amsterdam News).
Cut Pacifica’s 200+ affiliate stations out of representation |
I hope this was the right age to cast my vote on
NO, this is only a website of PacificaFightback, You should have received an email from Pacifica via simplyvoting and within it is a link to your e-ballot. That’s where to vote NO!
I’ve glanced over the revised bylaws and they are long and complicated. It would help me if you referenced the issues that you disagree with so that I might make a determination. Also, who is in support of your position, ie. LSB’s, un-paid staff, former directors, etc.?
If you look at the page Why Vote No, there’s an article, three or four pieces down, that cites specific highly objectionable sections of the Bylaws revision proposal and explains their real-world impact. Every Local Station Board voted overwhelmingly against the Bylaws proposal but a court is ordering this membership vote. YOu should be hearing some on-air explanations of pros and cons already on your station. Again look at Why Vote No or the En Espan~ol page, where you will the unpaid staff of Spanish language programmers at KPFK speaking out against the Bylaws revision and urging a NO vote. The staff (mostly unpaid, but also the few paid staffers) at WBAI is totally opposed, because they got the first taste of what will happen across the board at all the stations if this goes through — centralized, canned, sterile programming that doesn’t rock the boat or sound “too radical”.
I’ve glanced over the revised bylaws and they are long and complicated. I would help me if you referenced the issues that you disagree with so that I might make a determination. Also, who is in support of your position, ie. LSB’s, un-paid staff, former directors, etc.?
Posted twice, replied to the other query.
when is the vote?
will I be notified
The ballots are going out tomorrow by email and snail mail tomorrow.
I’ll vote no
when do I vote?
You can vote as soon as you get a ballot unless you prefer as many do a paper ballot, in which case request one right away. You have a month to vote starting Feb. 18, but don’t delay.
Why is this email anonymous? Please respect the reader/listener enough to say who you are. You stated who you are not: no official representative of Pacifica or any station.
If the ultra democratic structure and its leadership is not responsible for the severe financial crisis Pacifica & member stations are in, then what is responsible and where is the plan and program to address near bankruptcy of Pacifica, BAI, PFW, PFA and the decade long decline in listenership, revenue, budget control –when Pac. stations are in booming metro markets. The bylaw change proposals are severe, but desperate times…. Why haven’t the LSBs and Board come up with own bylaw amendments in past decade? Could it be the boards repopulated more by hardworking volunteers most concerned with programming and political culture and legacy and are too many, too unwieldy, with no one specifically appointed responsibility to address finances, legal challenges and developing a better management model?
As we explain elsewhere on the website, we are a national coalition of people from all five stations and many different prior factions or none, who all agree on the need to defeat this measure. If you look at the other pages, such as Why Vote No, you will see several signed articles, for example, by Fernando Velazquez, volunteer producer of Informativo Pacifica and former News Director at KPFK, or Richard Uzell, from KPFT. Answering your question is Michael Novick, a member of the KPFK Local Station Board, member of United Teachers Los Angeles, and editor of Turning The Tide, journal of Anti-Racist Action Los Angeles.