Was held Friday, June 18, 4:30 PDT ( 7:30 Eastern, 6:30 Central)
Pacifica Fightback pre-Juneteenth Virtual National Town Hall on the purges at KPFT of BIPOC programmers, and the need for a NO vote on the New Day Bylaws and for a vigorous campaign for the Local Station Boards. Register in advance for this meeting with the link above. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Here’s the facebook event posting: https://www.facebook.com/events/1597179770472147/
and this is the link to the recorded livestream on our facebook page:
The “white-out” of most BIPOC public affairs programmers and producers from the FM signal in Houston TX, which is being partially and incompletely reversed because of the united pushback by the unpaid BIPOC staff and their Pacifica Fightback allies around the Foundation, is a measure of the extent of nati-Blackness and white supremacy that still exists within a progressive media institution like Pacifica, and a harbinger of what’s at stake and in store if the anti-democratic, top-down Bylaws revisions proposed by New Day are adopted.
Join us to hear from programmers and producers at KPFT and learn more about the need to defeat the New Day proposals and to put together determined, effective coalitions at each of our stations to run candidates committed to diversity and democracy in the Local Station Board elections process that is now underway, with a date of record for membership of June 30, and a deadline for nominations of July 14 (More information here: https://elections.pacifica.org/wordpress/