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We want to keep in touch with you, now that we won on the Bylaws Replacement Referendum. Having defeated the break-up attempt, we still need to collaborate nationally to strengthen and rebuild Pacifica as a network capable of advancing the cause of peace, social justice and the analysis and reduction of the causes of conflict in our society and world. In the face of the COVID-19 crisis and the attendant economic contraction or possible collapse, we need to strategize about how to continue our fightback and preserve Pacific as a whole and all its constituent stations and community support base. Please join us in that effort!

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7 comments on “Subscribe to our Email list

  1. As a KPFK Board member, fighting to preserve and expand Pacifica (Radio) Foundation’s signal for future generations, I relate to the content posted on this portal… My sentiments alike… Of course, I reserve the right to disagree whenever otherwise, but every one’s effort to keep Pacifica vibrant all times is is good hang out…

  2. I don’t know why some people think it’s so hard to vote! If you like a station something or you don’t. If you like a station that is for the people and what they need to know or not. Minds are a terrible thing to waste and some are a waste.

  3. Unquestionably, this is a complex set of questions, especially for casual listener/members. So do what I did. Read the existing and proposed bylaws and the pros and cons. Decide how you feel about it all. Vote.

  4. I have been calling people and here are some of the responses. Mostly, many I have called have NOT voted (Sunday and Monday). They will and were given the ways to vote, including emailing or texting information. Some said, “It’s TOO complicated and therefore I am not comfortable voting either way.” I think I swayed them, but I also gave them information about the YES and NOs. I called as a member of the CAB.

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