—If New Day Gets Its Way?

Saturday, June 5, 2021 at 2 PM PDT – 4 CDT –
5 PM EDT via zoom
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What are the negative consequences if the New Day Bylaws pass?
Contrast that with what we stand for instead!
On Finances
PacificaFightBack relies on engaging with new listeners and community-based volunteers to help support the stations and the network. PFB wants to protect the assets listeners and staff have built over decades. The PNB has improved financial record keeping and audits, making it possible for the stations to apply for grants, reassure donors, and attract compatible media partners.
NDP offers no plan, wants to sell off assets and claims a bailout will come from unnamed deep pocket “white knight” donors if they take over.
On Unity of the Staff and Workers’ Rights
PacificaFightBack stands for respecting ALL of Pacifica’s workers. We have always depended on unpaid as well as paid staff, and want to unite to rebuild our audience and mass donor base, giving on-air programmers, producers and technical workers the power they need to be heard in decision-making.
NDP stands for segregating unpaid producers and programmers from the paid staff in a discriminatory fashion, by creating a new third class of membership. Their plan reduces over-all staff representation in the governance structure.
On Accountability and Transparency
PacificaFightBack stands for participatory democracy, sharing information with listeners about station finances, operations, and programming, and maintaining elected local oversight of management.
NDP strips away all elected listener and staff oversight of how things work: management, budgets, programming and governance would be closed to meaningful participation. Its plan would create a top-down chain of command approach to management and staff.
On Diversity
PacificaFightBack stands for diversity on the air and in the stations, with respect for diverse views in governance by using STV voting. We want to keep community voices, challenging political and cultural expression, antiracist and anti-establishment voices on the air.
NDP would marginalize self-determined voices and radical political and cultural expression on the airwaves and in the governance structure. East coast stations with larger Black staffs and audiences are impacted most.
On Democracy
PacificaFightBack stands for Pacifica’s founding values, respect for minority and divergent views on local and national boards via STV voting, and keeping the airwaves open to contemporary community voices and anti-war, anti-establishment and anti-racist voices. We believe anti-racism and opposition to US militarism are central to fulfilling the Pacifica mission.
NDP blames Pacifica’s problems on a so-called “excess of democracy” and aims at voter suppression, especially of staff members. It stands for marginalizing self-determined voices and radical political and cultural expression on the airwaves, and narrowing the scope of what you hear.
Hear from programmers, producers, listeners and board members from all five stations about these vital decisions on which way for Pacifica, and add your wisdom, questions, ideas and proposals for how to win this campaign and implement the changes we really need.