July 7 to Vote “NO!” on Bylaws Revision

July 14 to complete nomination paperwork to run for LSB — if New Day Bylaws are defeated!


Our Community Radio Network

(Updated 7/3/2021)

• Unpaid Staff who worked at least 30 hours, including prep time, from Jan. 8, 2021 thru April 7, 2021  At KPFA, all members of the Unpaid Staff Organization

• Paid Non-Management station staff as of April 7, 2021

• Listeners who worked on Local Station Board committees between April 8, 2020 and April 7, 2021
• Listeners who contributed $25 or volunteered 3 hours between April 8, 2020 and April 7, 2021
If you or someone in your household donated $50 or more, the second person can get their own membership and separate ballot

CAN’T FIND YOUR BALLOT to vote on the Bylaws? REQUEST one NOW- voting ends July 7!


BEFORE Wed., July 7, 2021, 11:59pm ET (10:59pm CT, 8:59pm PT)


• Most members were sent an email with a direct link to a personalized ballot or with an Elector ID or password, from <vote@SimplyVoting.com> or <nes@pacifica.org>”. Search your Spam, Junk, or Promotions folders.
• Others were sent PURPLE postcards with a scratch-off covering their credentials to vote online
• If you voted on a paper ballot last time or requested one by June 25, look for a white business envelope from “Honest Ballot”. It is likely too late to mail back your ballot. You can use your elector ID and password to vote online.

Messages for the National Election Supervisor can be left at 510-993-0320, but using the Ballot Request Form is the best option and generates a receipt: https://elections.pacifica.org.

Guaranteed e-ballot requests must be made by July 6, 11:59pm ET (10:59pm CT, 8:59pm PT). KEEP THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL.



Major governance changes with implications for what we broadcast are being debated and voted on. There won’t be a do-over! Your involvement now is crucial.

What is governance and why should I care?

Governance is the creation of policies and the exercise of processes through which an organization gets its work done.  Since 2003, Pacifica’s bylaws/internal rules about how our stations are run, by whom and for whom, have included active roles for staff and listener members. Members protect and preserve our stations.

The Pacifica Mission to serve community, celebrate the arts, and increase dialogue for improving intra-group understanding is only as strong as our commitment to it.

This Bylaw Amendment Referendum can quickly and forever change what Pacifica means and how we work. Please vote “No”. Your vote really matters. The rights we would lose will not be returned to us.


Where do things rest financially?

Under the stewardship of unpaid Interim Executive Director Lydia Brazon:

  • Financial reporting is current, and pension payments and annual audit filings are up-to-date, and while we still have external debt, our assets exceed it.
  • Only quarterly interest-only payments on the $3 Million loan are required until Oct. 2022, however principal is being reduced by “windfall” income such as bequests and unexpected gifts.
  • Pacifica reimbursed the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) overpayment, remains eligible for other CPB programs, and is engaging for CPB Community Service Grants and other grants.
  • Some stations are more steady than others. WPFW is pulling ahead in its radio market! KPFA is strong. KPFK has reduced its over-income spending. WBAI is building membership.
  • Like many other businesses and non-profits, we obtained pandemic-related low-interest EIDL loans or forgivable PPP loans.

We need to do more:

  • Off-air development must be funded
  • KPFT is in the process of getting a new operating base

Yes, we can do better. We want to thrive and not merely survive, and we urge those who say money is waiting for us as soon as we decrease democracy to stop wasting listener donations, to rethink the war they’ve been prosecuting, and lend their hands to struggle.

Who wants these replacement Bylaws?

No one denies that there is room for improvement. However, changes to our bylaws should increase inclusion, not exclusion.

The “New Day Pacifica” campaign is the second iteration of those seeking to takeover the Pacifica Foundation by destroying localism and pushing a stacked national board. For two years, while draining our financial resources and human energy, they have been warning that we are a few months away from crashing or drowning.

Some of the group, including present and former members of the Local Station Board at KPFA-Berkeley who are trying to put Pacifica into a receivership run by an employment lawyer, and a few Directors on the Pacifica National Board (PNB) who supported the physical invasion, mass firing of staff, and stripping away of local programming at WBAI in October 2019, want to change the Bylaws as another attempt to seize the network. 

Different name. Same game.

On May 25, African Liberation Day and the 1-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd, more than 20 BIPOC programmers at our Houston station learned their programs had been moved out of daytime and evening slots into late night or overnight slots, onto the low-listenership HD channel, or were disappeared completely. Some heard about the changes from third parties. The decider? A new general manager, supported by the New-Day-heavy board, who “doesn’t see color” and aims to create a “music-based” format. The effect? Aside from disregard of the humanity of the staff, a program grid even less representative of the listening area. More at https://kpftwhitewash.info

Why it’s important to vote “NO”!

In April and May, the PNB and all Local Station Boards (LSBs) except Berkeley rejected the “New Day” bylaw proposal. Now, it’s your turn to say “No!”

If you believe in diversity in terms of race, ethnicity and perspective, reject the shrinkage of the Pacifica National Board (PNB) and its conversion from an elected body into a majority-appointed body that will marginalize “minorities” in both senses of the word. “New Day” hopes that simply adding the words “diversity and inclusion” — without specifying a single way to do that — as “Point 10” in their “plan” of generalities will suffice, but it doesn’t change the  recipe for disaster they’re offering.

Say “No” to:

  • 4 preselected national board officers: no elections or recall???
  • no leadership positions for representatives from the “Black” east coast stations: 3 of the ordained are from California, 1 from Texas
  • cutting staff representation by 3/5, discriminating against unpaid workers by creating a new third class of (unpaid staff) membership
  • halving representation from our 200+ affiliate stations
  • setting up a series of winner-take-all elections that benefit the moneyed

Stick with empowered, elected local station boards to focus on station needs!


  • Vote “No” by July 7 to defeat the bylaws referendum and continue powerful local boards
  • Become a candidate, by July 14, for your LSB [IMBED link to register as a candidate]
  • Help nominate petitions for candidates [IMBED link to be a nominator]


Nominations are open until July 14.

• Unpaid Staff who worked at least 30 hours, including prep time, from April 1 – June 30, 2021.

At KPFA, all members of the Unpaid Staff Organization

• Paid Non-Management station staff as of June 30, 2021

• Listeners who worked on Local Station Board committees between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021
• Listeners who contributed $25 or volunteered 3 hours between July 1, 2020 and June 30 2021
If you or someone in your household donated $50 or more,  the second person can get their own membership, run and/or nominate others, and later this summer, vote.

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