Sad Losses at KPFK, WBAI and for the struggle

Fernando Velazquez, Presente! Judy Marksman, Rest in Power! Fernando Velazquez, co-anchor and co-producer of Informativo Pacifica with Norma Martinez, tragically passed away February 12 of a ruptured aneurysm. He dedicated 40 years of his life to Pacifica radio and in particular KPFK as a producer, programmer, mentor, organizer, news director, international and internationalist broadcaster, elected […]

Choices at KPFA, KPFK

Community Radio for the Future, or Failing Gatekeepers of the Past? A couple of recent op ed pieces make the choices clear — the rule-or-ruin elements that want to break up Pacifica have no real solutions. Only a commitment to the radical community-based voices that are shaping the future will restore the stations’ relevance and […]