PNB Launches COVID-19 Task Force

The Pacifica National Board adopted Lawrence Reyes’s motion to establish a task force on dealing with the coronavirus pandemic in terms of operations, policies, and producing and distributing content on all our stations and other platforms, and sharing and collaborating with our affiliates. The Task Force will extend beyond PNB and LSB members, and will […]

Victory for Democracy

Both listeners and staff voted nearly 2-1 against the undemocratic Bylaws replacement forced to a vote by a court order sought by the proponents, many of whom also backed the illegal shutdown and takeover of WBAI previously. 6340 listener-member voters, 66%, said “NO”. Yes voters: 3273; Abstentions: 101. The totala number of voters represented 22% of […]

Subscribe to our Email list

subscribe to our low volume newsletter We want to keep in touch with you, now that we won on the Bylaws Replacement Referendum. Having defeated the break-up attempt, we still need to collaborate nationally to strengthen and rebuild Pacifica as a network capable of advancing the cause of peace, social justice and the analysis and […]


WHO  WHAT   WHERE   WHEN   HOW  & WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE “NO” All ballots must be received by 11:59pm ET (10:59pm CT, 8:59pm PT) Thurs., Mar. 19, 2020. Where’s My Ballot: ·     Search for an email from “” or “” ·     Look for a postcard sent late February: One side is black with the stations’ logos; the other has instructions and your personal […]

Make Sure to Vote NO!

Before it’s too late! FIND YOUR BALLOT • Online, via the link in an email sent on Feb. 18, 2020. Search for “” or “” in your inbox or spam or promotions tab OR • A postcard in the mail with your voting info underneath the scratch-off, OR • A Paper ballot, from “Honest Ballot”, […]