Manipulation of PNB Meeting Process

From: Alex Steinberg <>
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021, 10:00 AM
To: Pacifica National Board; PNB Secretary; Pacifica Executive Director; Anita Sims; Arthur Schwartz; John Tatum; Lydia Brazon
Subject: There is no “Emergency meeting” on Thursday Jan 7, 2021

The so-called “Emergency Meeting” that was posted by Jan Goodman for Thursday at 7 PM Eastern Time is improper on several grounds. First, there is no emergency that requires public comments. Second, if there were an emergency then that is something that can be discussed at the regular monthly PNB meeting that is due to begin just 90 minutes after the so-called “Emergency meeting”.   Finally, calling a separate meeting on the same evening as our regular monthly meeting can only spread confusion.

There are in addition a number of logistical problems with this “Emergency meeting”.  No arrangements have been made to web stream the meeting, the proposed tool for conducting the meeting is a Zoom conference whose integrity has not been verified and finally, the Secretary of the PNB was not informed of this meeting prior to its being posted, nor was there any attempt to bring this matter before the Coordinating Committee which is charged with creating the draft agenda for the regular monthly meetings.

Do not attend this so-called “Emergency Meeting”.  I expect everyone to join us at the usual starting time of 8:30 PM Eastern Time for our regular monthly meeting of the PNB.

Since the “Emergency meeting” notice was broadcast to the public, feel free to let the public know that this meeting was called improperly.

Alex Steinberg’

Chair, Pacifica National Board

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