If you never got, or can’t find, your ballot…
The deadline is fast approaching! Click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfphUM5kPaerEB2yn58Ru1uox6OP_tBwTgIUY_Y8grTtIo_UA/viewform
The deadline is fast approaching! Click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfphUM5kPaerEB2yn58Ru1uox6OP_tBwTgIUY_Y8grTtIo_UA/viewform
Listen to the KPFA, KPFT, and KPFK Local Station Boards vote NO on the proposed restated bylaws. Note: WPFW and WBAI also voted NO, UNANIMOUSLY, however no audio is publicly available at this time.
Janet Kobren, former Local Station Board member of KPFA, Pacifica Radio in Berkeley, and former member of the Pacifica National Board spoke on Ralph Poynter’s “What’s Happening” about the sordid history behind the “Pacifica Restructuring Project” that is advocating for the current Bylaws reform, and explains who the main characters are in this “Healthy Station […]
The first two weeks of the voting period on the replacement Bylaws have passed. Scarcely two weeks remain. The future of Pacifica hangs in the balance. Abstaining on the ballot, or simply declining to vote at all, is therefore not a good choice. If you are unsure or confused, a “NO” vote is the safe […]
What would Bernie say about banning Pacifica workers from its Board? BERNIE SANDERS: “I want workers to be able to sit on corporate boards as well, so they can have some say over what happens to their lives.” —February 19, 2020 Democratic debate in Las Vegas Vote “NO!” on proposed anti-democratic bylaws that would… …Ban workers from […]
Renowned actor and Pacifica supporter Danny Glover urged the members of Pacifica not to change the bylaws to eliminate representation of the staff, paid and unpaid on the Pacifica board. This move toward corporatization would lead to an NPR operation with appointed boards of directors and eliminate the democratic governance in part by the workers […]
KPFT WBAI KPFK WPFW KPFA VOTE “NO” TO SAVE PACIFICA! VOTE “NO” ON BYLAW REPLACEMENT!! VOTING ON OUR PACIFICA BYLAWS HAS BEGUN! IF YOU DIDN’T GET A BALLOT, SEE BELOW FAQ Why did I get a ballot? A group within Pacifica wants to replace our bylaws, but because their plan would eliminate many member rights and opportunities, the current bylaws allow […]
Vote ‘NO’ on the Bylaws Amendments Those who would steal our stations are pushing a Bylaws “revision” that under the guise of streamlining and professionalizing Pacifica, would: Make it easier to sell off our station signals, buildings, the Pacifica Radio Archives or other assets Eliminate elected Local Station Boards and create a new national board dominated by […]