Victory for Democracy

Both listeners and staff voted nearly 2-1 against the undemocratic Bylaws replacement forced to a vote by a court order sought by the proponents, many of whom also backed the illegal shutdown and takeover of WBAI previously.

6340 listener-member voters, 66%, said “NO”. Yes voters: 3273; Abstentions: 101. The totala number of voters represented 22% of listener members on the record date.
In the staff vote, 331 voters, 65%, said “NO”. Yes voters among staff: 177; Abstentions: 4. The total number of voters represented 51% of staff on the record date. The overwhelming rejection of the Bylaws replacement by unprecedented percentages of both listeners and staff far above the required quorum levels — more than double the quorum in both cases — reflect the fact that the proponents’ desire to eliminate democracy at Pacifica is very much out of step and out of sync with our workers and our listeners.
Certification letters are here:

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