Saturday, September 24, again at 11 AM PDT/1 PM CDT/2 PM EDT, Pacifica Fightback hosted another national town hall, focusing on resistance to US militarism and aggression internationally. What can we do to oppose war, intervention and imperial violence?
The video is available here:
Speakers include Linda Sarsour on the US role in Israeli crimes and apartheid against Palestine and Palestinians, Milton Allimadi on imperialist military and economic operations on the African continent, Debora Santana on new US land grabs and repression in Puerto Rico, a direct US colony, Brenda Lopez on ending the US embargo/blockade on Cuba, and a speaker to be announced on US/NATO efforts to wage a new cold war, and potentially a hot one, against Russia and China.

We will have time for registrants to participate in a discussion about how Pacifica can rebuild its reputation, audience, and impact by bringing this kind of information to our airwaves and engaging in a broad community dialogue about its consequences and meaning.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
You can also watch the livestream of the zoom meeting on YouTube without registering by going to this URL once the meeting starts: