Held Saturday, May 21, 12 noon – 2 PM PDT (3-5 Eastern, 2-4 Central)

“Together, we will win back our airwaves!”
Countering “Progressive” Media Racism & Corporate Attacks on Freedom of Speech in Our Community & Independent Media
“We’ve been robbed!” is the cry at community radio stations across the country, from Tampa Bay, FL to Los Angeles, CA. As budgets shrink, the “last hired, first fired” rule is being applied to BIPOC voices (Black, Indigenous & People of Color), LGBTQI and other marginalized community voices. The excuse? Money.
MEET & TALK with fellow listeners & grassroots programmers fighting racist cuts going on at our community radio stations–stations that are on the front lines of life & death struggles! (Register Now!)
WE CAN WIN! Community push-back at KPFT reversed most of the firings of BIPOC programmers. Activist listeners & staff in Save WMNF Community Radio–Tampa Bay, FL are speaking out and organizing! The Association of Spanish Language Programmers at KPFK, Los Angeles (where 39% speak Spanish at home) is fighting for more inclusion!
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Recent news has revealed how corporate-controlled social media, with its massive armies of bots, AI, human hackers and media flacks, can EASILY CONTROL & MANIPULATE public opinion. Historically, community radio is a BASTION OF FREE SPEECH. Radio is a tried and true grassroots organizing tool for peace & social justice. It is the mission of Pacifica! Let’s BUILD our radio & multimedia to FIGHT BACK against a surge of deadly rightwing attacks:
- Racist mass shooting of Black people in Buffalo, NY
- imminent reversal of Roe v Wade
- Don’t Say Gay & anti-Trans laws
- 200+ bills in 40 states attacking Critical Race Theory
- Journalists Mumia Abu Jamal & Julian Assange facing life
- PayPal seizing accounts of left media
- Censorship of anti-war & pro-Palestinian voices
Featured speakers in the first hour:

Plus station reports from WBAI, KPFA, KPFK and other Pacifica stations

Second Hour: Let’s hear from you, your concerns and suggestions for how to defend and extend people-powered community radio
What steps and actions can we take together to reverse attacks, rebuild the audience and impact of grassroots community radio in our areas? How can we connect and reinforce each other’s efforts?
TOGETHER we can brainstorm & save our stations! REGISTER HERE https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqcO-qrTIrG9TEYM3YEaOfhIl6Gc5lvkHH for our FREE Zoom National Town Hall on: SATURDAY, MAY 21@ (Noon) 12-2PM PT / 2-4PM CT / 3-5PM ET |
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IT’S CLEAR: The strategy of mimicking mainstream media (strip programming, eliminating local news & “minority” voices) has FAILED! THE SOLUTION: MORE diversity, FEARLESS coverage of street actions & strikes, MORE talk radio, MORE voices from our communities, especially YOUTH! Does your “diverse” community radio airtime look like this? |
LET’S TALK! What can we do tosavePacifica?Our strongest community radio network, with 5 major stations & hundreds of affiliates, is facing the very real threat of: Bankruptcy (Chapter 11) Signal swap Receivership Repeater stations (no local programming) Selling property Destruction of democratic bylaws Renew, or Become a Member of your Local Pacifica Station! REGISTER HERE https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqcO-qrTIrG9TEYM3YEaOfhIl6Gc5lvkHHfor our FREE Zoom National Town Hall on: SATURDAY, MAY 21@ (Noon) 12-2PM PT / 2-4PM CT / 3-5PM ET We’re “on the move!” and fighting back! |
Save WMNF Community Radio On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Save-WMNF-Community-Radio-103473509017372 Email: SaveWMNFCommunityRadio@aol.com |
This is not an official communication from any Pacifica radio station, their respective local station board, or the Pacifica Foundation. The communication was paid for and authored by Pacifica Fightback for Democracy and should not be presumed to represent the official stance of the Pacifica Foundation or any Pacifica or affiliated radio station. |