Revive Pacifica: Town Hall Sat. Aug. 20

Stop Silencing the People’s Voice, Build a Network of Resistance: 11 AM PT/ 1 PM CT/ 2 PM ET Click Below to listen Pacifica–the sole alternative national radio network in the US–is at a crossroads.  As Biden’s DOJ and FBI boldly attack the African People’s Socialist Party/International Peoples Democratic Uhuru Movement with a real raid […]

We Won’t Go Back

A Pacifica supporter in CA sent this poem: How Far…? by Nia Assante How far back do we roll amerika? How far back do we go? If we roll back Roe do we go back to whips and chains? Do we go back to chastity belts? We still have marriages that are arranged. Honor killings […]

More attacks on Pacifica by breakers

The Pacifica National Board will be considering a motion to suspend director Donald Goldmacher over his support for this complaint petition to the FCC challenging the license renewal of Pacifica’s station in NY, WBAI. Pacifica Safety Net has backed two Bylaws referenda to try to eliminate elected local governance and put their own preselected leadership […]

Save Community Radio Town Hall

Held Saturday, May 21, 12 noon – 2 PM PDT (3-5 Eastern, 2-4 Central) “Together, we will win back our airwaves!”  Countering “Progressive” Media Racism & Corporate Attacks on Freedom of Speech in Our Community & Independent Media “We’ve been robbed!” is the cry at community radio stations across the country, from Tampa Bay, FL to […]

WMNF in Tampa at Critical Moment

Save WMNF Community Radio Station-Status March 12, 2022 WMNF Historical Background A report by Alvaro Montealegre WMNF was created in 1979 by a group of activists that included Rob Lorei. They went door-to-door asking for donations from the community for a radio station that did not yet exist and for radio services that most felt […]

Sad Losses at KPFK, WBAI and for the struggle

Fernando Velazquez, Presente! Judy Marksman, Rest in Power! Fernando Velazquez, co-anchor and co-producer of Informativo Pacifica with Norma Martinez, tragically passed away February 12 of a ruptured aneurysm. He dedicated 40 years of his life to Pacifica radio and in particular KPFK as a producer, programmer, mentor, organizer, news director, international and internationalist broadcaster, elected […]

Choices at KPFA, KPFK

Community Radio for the Future, or Failing Gatekeepers of the Past? A couple of recent op ed pieces make the choices clear — the rule-or-ruin elements that want to break up Pacifica have no real solutions. Only a commitment to the radical community-based voices that are shaping the future will restore the stations’ relevance and […]