PFB Town Hall 6 – Feb 27

The sixth Pacifica Fightback virtual national Town Hall at 3:30 PM PST/5:30 CST/6:30 EST on Saturday February 27, will include a presentation on stolen indigenous land in Texas, a panel on state by state efforts to fully abolish slavery, and break-out rooms for small group discussions on rebuilding and sustaining Pacifica and its stations through […]

Knowledge is Power

The Pacifica National Board has adopted the following motion to empower Pacifica’s members by providing them with regular, thorough and accurate information about the Foundation, the stations, and their finances. It also provides for members’ opportunity to communicate with management and governance publicly, so that other members can become more aware of the issues facing […]

Jan 30-PFB Town Hall

Pacifica Fightback conducted its 5th virtual national Town Hall on Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 3:30 PM Pacific (5:30 Central/6:30 PM Eastern). We intend to conduct a monthly town hall for the foreseeable future on the last Saturday each month. The program on Jan. 30 included a look at US “foreign policy”, militarism and intervention, […]

Manipulation of PNB Meeting Process

From: Alex Steinberg <>Sent: Monday, January 4, 2021, 10:00 AMTo: Pacifica National Board; PNB Secretary; Pacifica Executive Director; Anita Sims; Arthur Schwartz; John Tatum; Lydia BrazonSubject: There is no “Emergency meeting” on Thursday Jan 7, 2021 The so-called “Emergency Meeting” that was posted by Jan Goodman for Thursday at 7 PM Eastern Time is improper on several grounds. First, […]

Sign this Open Letter to the Pacifica National Board & LSBs

We are members of Pacifica radio stations who endorse our organization’s mission of increasing understanding among groups through dialogue. We recommend that our local station and national board members put our Foundation’s message into practice by using internal discussion and dialog to resolve differences, instead of tactics that rely on external governmental entities such as […]

NDP & PRP Expose Themselves

Whose fingerprints are on the latest efforts to take over Pacifica? Despite claims from Jan Goodman and others that NDP has nothing to do with the Pacifica Restructuring Project behind the shutdown and takeover of WBAI and the first costly Bylaws replacement effort, the truth will out. As exposed by Pacifica In Exile, the New […]

The Fight for Community Radio

Watch it here: The Battle for Community Radio: By The People for The People;               Co-hosted: by John Riley & Mimi Rosenberg Learn about the latest attempt to remove the community from our stations and the Pacifica networks’ governance.  A group called “New Day Pacifica”, is preparing to take another bite of the apple, yet […]

Jan. 9 Town Hall- Palestine & Pacifica

Pacifica Fightback held its fourth members’ Town Hall on Saturday, January 9, 2020, starting at 3:30 PM Pacific/5:30 Central/6:30 Eastern for approximately 3 hours. Right to an Affirmative Future for Palestine: The wrongful conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism In light of the grotesque attempt by the breakers to turn Pacifica’s assets and operations over to […]