Mumia for Pacifica Democracy; Court Attack on Pacifica Fails

MUMIA ABU JAMAL SPEAKS OUT ABOUT PACIFICA “About the newest events occurring at Pacifica stations… centralization is essentially one thing and one thing only: CONTROL. Centralization is how the system reproduces itself, by quieting the voice of those people it deems deviant, those people it deems dissident, those people it deems other than human, other than people. … […]

12/5 PFB Town Hall

Pacifica Fight Back’s Virtual National Town Hall III looked at white people’s stake in confronting the crisis of racism, the importance of Pacifica taking a clear, conscious and committed anti-racist stance, and the relationship of those key areas to overcoming Pacifica’s weaknesses and financial challenges, and to turning back threats to democracy at Pacifica. There […]

How to “un-sign” the NewDay petition

UN-SIGNING THE PETITIONIf you signed the petition but now regret it and wish to rescind, send an email so stating to: New Day:, National Election Supervisor:, and CC us: UN-SIGN PETITION  And while you’re at it, join our low-volume list. Email

PFB National Town Hall video replay links

Pacifica Fightback National Panel:The Defense of Pacifica & Building A People’s Media Platform-Part 1 Pacifica Fightback on September 26, 2020 held its first national panel on the defense of Pacifica and how Pacifica has to become a national/international multi-media platform for Black, Brown, Indigenous, LGBTQ, Immigrant people and Labor in their struggles for survival. This is […]

National Town Hall Sept 26

PACIFICA FIGHTBACK TOWN HALL:September 26 Pacifica Fightback National Townhall Meeting & Registration Link You are invited to a Zoom meeting.When: Sep 26, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)6 PM Central 7 PM Eastern Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. […]

More Anti-Democratic Nonsense

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting: New Special Process for Public Attendance & Comment at Open / Public Meeting Wednesday morning, on 3 days notice, the KPFA Local Station Board Secretary changed the notice for Saturday’s monthly meeting to one that requires those wanting to attend or to make Public Comment, to send an email request […]

Town Hall to Grow Pacifica, Don’t Sign Petition to Dismantle

Pacifica has the 225-station network to expose and propose remedies for multiple crises in our world. Activate our network by rejecting the repeat top-down take-over by NOT SIGNING THE “NEW DAY PACIFICA” PETITION; join PFB’s Town Hall to empower Pacifica’s people-powered solutions. Four steps to take to keep Pacifica focused on solutions at this critical moment in […]